
… to the personal website and blog of Hansjörg Plieninger.

Working With Different Versions of an R Package

Recently, I had to install an older version of an R package, because a function was deprecated that I wanted to use. I wanted to install the old version in addition to and not instead of the new version and I came up with the following solution. [Read More]

Font Embedding for LaTeX and R Users

Use cairo_pdf()

Recently, I sent my dissertation as a PDF file to a copy shop and got an email back that I had not embedded all fonts and that they won't print it for me. What? So instead of celebrating the submission, I had to search online for "pdf latex font embedding", and this blog post is a summary of that afternoon. [Read More]

Hello World

Hello, my name is Hansjörg, and I am a postdoctoral researcher in the psychology department at the University of Mannheim, Germany. I want to start blogging today, because I always wanted to, and because one of my R heroes Yihui Xie made this possible through his R package blogdown: It seems I made it, and it's easy to summarize my 2017: Another year, another #rstats package (blogdown), another book, and still endless joy. [Read More]