Hello World

Hello, my name is Hansjörg, and I am a postdoctoral researcher in the psychology department at the University of Mannheim, Germany. I want to start blogging today, because I always wanted to, and because one of my R heroes Yihui Xie made this possible through his R package blogdown:

This blog is about …

  • things I learned, to make it simpler for other people to learn the same thing quicker,
  • things I learned, to make it simpler for me to do the same thing quicker next time,
  • things I love, to make it simpler for others to love them, too,
  • things I do, to make it simpler for you to get in touch with me.

And the motto of this blog comes from one of my favorite R packages, fortunes:

fortunes::fortune("done it.")
#> It was simple, but you know, it's always simple when you've done it.
#>    -- Simone Gabbriellini (after solving a problem with a trick suggested
#>       on the list)
#>       R-help (August 2005)

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